
  • Health Insurance

We believe in “Health is Wealth” in our service delivery. We are committed to providing our corporate clients with comprehensive, professional and affordable medical insurance services. JI Insure ensures that you get the best coverage for your employees within your budget and that it meets their specific needs. Any company with 7 or more employees can get corporate insurance with the following benefits:

  • Inpatient / hospitalization Cover
  • Outpatient Cover
  • Dental
  • Optical
  • Maternity
  • Last Expense
  • Commercial General Cartage Motor Insurance

Do you value the investment you made in your car? Accidents do happen, and your vehicle may be damaged, or you may lose this investment due to theft. Why not protect your investment if you value it? We have great options for your motor commercial vehicles. Our comprehensive commercial insurance covers any type of motor vehicle against accidental damage or overturning, loss or damage by fire and theft, malicious damage and third-party liabilities, which provide indemnity to the insured for death or bodily injury to third-parties and/or passengers, as well as damage to third-party property.

  • Trade risks- Trade credit Insurance

Trade Credit Insurance protects businesses against nonpayment of trade debts. Policies can be tailored to a client’s specific needs, covering not only insolvency risk on delivered goods, but also pre-delivery costs, non-honoring of Letters of Credit, and non-delivery of pre-paid goods. Companies that have Trade Credit Insurance in place can generally extend more credit to customers while reducing the risk of non-payment, allowing for sales growth without a corresponding increase in risk.

  • Agri business & Weather Risks

Agricultural production is more dependent on weather than any other economic sector. As a result of the already visible effects of climate change, the agricultural industry faces greater agricultural risks than ever before. We can structure agricultural risk transfer solutions as insurance or as a derivative based on your specific requirements. Simply put, weather derivatives or insurance typically offer volumetric hedge protection against a decrease in sales volumes rather than profit. We have the expertise to advise organizations on all aspects of weather risk management, including determining and evaluating exposure.

  • Bankers Comprehensive Crime Insurance

Banks and other financial institutions are more vulnerable to financial loss as a result of criminal behavior than most other institutions. Employee theft, embezzlement, forgery, hold up, and fraud are all real risks in today’s business world, especially in the financial sector. Comprehensive Bankers Blanket Bond provides comprehensive coverage for crime and fidelity for banks and other financial institutions.

  • Public + Products Liability

Every day, accidents occur in our business environment that injure, harm, or even kill third parties.  Business activities may also result in the destruction of third-party property. Our public/product liability coverage protects you against legal liability to third parties for accidental death, bodily injury.

  • Fidelity Guarantee

Indemnity for direct monetary loss caused by employee fraud or dishonesty. Fidelity guarantees can be purchased by any organization or individual who may suffer as a result of dishonesty, failure in the faithful performance of duty, or, in some cases, the mistake of another. The policy protects the employer against the loss of money or stock as a result of employee dishonesty.  PERSONS COVERED: All Insured employees who handle money, stocks, stores, and accounting documents.

  • Stock Floater

This policy protects all stocks against loss or damage caused by fire and other perils, as well as theft, while they are stored in the insured’s owned or leased premises or in transit anywhere in Kenya. All goods belonging to or incidental to the insured’s business, whether in their custody or transit in Kenya.

  • Contractors All Risk

Builders are constantly exposed to construction risks, and they require experienced experts to properly plan and place their risks. Construction works, construction plant and machinery/equipment, materials on site, demolition and debris removal costs, professional fees, plans and designs, and so on are all covered by the contractor’s all risks policy. Third-party liabilities associated with the builder’s work will also be covered by the policy. JI Insure Insurance Brokers has a proven track record of designing and delivering risk management solutions to builders. We have consistently developed innovative risk solutions and have made a name for ourselves in this industry.

  • Electronic Insurance

This policy protects electronic equipment, including computers, against sudden and unforeseen physical damage that necessitates repair or replacement. All electrical equipment that consumes low electrical current is considered electronic equipment. Mechanical or electrical breakdown, faulty materials, faulty design, lightning, and over voltages are all covered.

  • Burglary

Burglaries and thefts at commercial properties are on the rise, and the importance of having adequate insurance cannot be overstated. Burglary insurance falls under our property insurance line, and we will use our expertise to design an ideal policy to meet your specific needs. We will review the policy to ensure that the warranties and restrictions do not unnecessarily adversely affect your protection.

  • Fire Perils Insurance

Fire and Perils Insurance is a policy that protects against property loss or damage caused by fire, lightning, explosion, earthquake, bushfire, riot and strike, floods, and other perils. Commercial buildings, industries, private dwelling premises, goods in trade, domestic or commercial property, plant and machinery, stock insurance, furniture fixtures and fittings, and office equipment may all be at risk. Our experts will put together a suitable fire and perils policy with extensive clauses for maximum protection at the most suitable cost.


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